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2013년 11월 29일
주제 Medicine, Health, and Nursing | 조회수 8,019
Average: 1
Biologists at the University at Buffalo have found that being severely overweight alters the way we taste food. They observed that obese mice had fewer taste cells capable of detecting sweetness than...
2013년 11월 28일
주제 Earth and Planetary Science | 조회수 7,929
Average: 2
According to a new study, the presence of molecular hydrogen, carbon dioxide, and water on Mars could have created a greenhouse effect on the red planet 3.8 billion years. Read more in Nature...
2013년 11월 27일
주제 Psychology and Neuroscience | 조회수 7,089
Average: 1
The lateral habenula, considered to be one of the oldest regions of the brain, evolution-wise, has always been linked to depression and avoidance behaviour. But a new study has found that this region...
2013년 11월 26일
주제 Plant and Animal Science | 조회수 7,122
Average: 2
Authors Deeming and Pike highlight the importance of antioxidants for the healthy development of bird embryos. This study may offer insight into the implications antioxidants may have for the embryos...
2013년 11월 25일
Average: 1
Long thought to have been eliminated in mammals, antiviral RNA interference may exist in mammalian cells after all, suggest Maillard et al. They studied the embryonic stem cells from mice and found...
2013년 11월 12일
주제 Arts, Humanities, and Social Science | 조회수 12,910
Average: 1
Scientists working in the Channel island of Jersey have stumbled upon geological deposits that may help us understand the disappearance of the Neanderthal populations from the region. Read more in...
2013년 10월 23일
주제 Arts, Humanities, and Social Science | 조회수 11,734
Average: 1
Researchers have found that infants who can detect changes in number will have a high mathematical aptitude by the time they reach preschool. Read more in Developmental Science.Melissa Libertus...
2013년 10월 23일
주제 Earth and Planetary Science | 조회수 11,705
Average: 2
NASA’s Kepler spacecraft has uncovered a solar system whose planets orbit at a steep angle to their star’s equator. Read more in Science.Huber et al., Science, 2013; 342 DOI: 10.1126/science.1242066
2013년 10월 18일
주제 Medicine, Health, and Nursing | 조회수 8,621
Average: 1
Using a survey carried out in a hospital cafeteria in Boston, researchers found that color-coded labels had an effect on customers' awareness and purchase of healthy food. Read more in Preventive...
2013년 10월 18일
주제 Earth and Planetary Science | 조회수 8,714
Average: 1
Using information about gravitational waves, acquired from the Parkes radio telescope, scientists have been able to study the growth of supermassive black holes. Read more in Science.Ryan Shannon et...


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